HealthMasters Blog

Increasing Tolerance in an Allergic World

Increasing Tolerance in an Allergic World 0

A mother watches in worry as a rash appears around her child’s mouth and begins to spread. A man experiences gut pain and bloating after ingesting reactive foods. Or perhaps you, like many others, soldier on with sneezing and sinus congestion, struggling to think clearly. Though they present in many forms, allergic symptoms range from the mildly annoying to the frightening – at times appearing rapidly, with great intensity and an element of unpredictability. While not all cases are severe, many allergy sufferers feel quite unwell as symptoms compromise the quality of their daily lives.

Not All Probiotics Are Created Equal

Not All Probiotics Are Created Equal 0

You may be familiar with the concept that certain medications (particularly antibiotics) can disrupt your gut microbiome, impacting the balance of beneficial organisms (such as bacteria, yeasts, etc.) in the gut. For this reason, probiotics are commonly recommended following antibiotic therapy to restore the gut microbiome and support digestive and overall health.

A new study that challenges this notion has been in the media spotlight; however taking a closer look at the research, these findings do not reflect the current body of evidence that strongly supports the use of evidence-based, strain-specific probiotics for restoration of the microbiome and delivering specific health benefits.

Is What You Heard About Turmeric True?

Is What You Heard About Turmeric True? 0

In the late 1950s and 60s, it was not uncommon for a daily dose of foul-tasting, fishy smelling liquid to be forced upon sickly children by their grandparents and cited as the cure for everything from arthritis and baldness, to boils and piles.

Cod liver oil consumption was at its peak, simultaneously torturing yet improving the health of children and their families all over the world. In the decades that followed various other natural remedies came in and out of the limelight. Apricot seed kernels, goji berries and coconut oil all enjoyed their glory days – with some developing a near cult following.

However, as time passed and science accumulated (or failed to accumulate), it became clear that these natural remedies weren’t really the ‘cure all’ they were sometimes promoted to be. In recent years, another natural medicine has forged ahead as the latest trendy cure-all taking the population by storm; yet this one has the scientific backing to boot.

Making Menopause Your Friend

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Menopause is a natural process where a woman transitions from her childbearing years to the next stage of her life. Whilst menopause usually occurs around age 50, a woman is said to be officially in menopause once she has not had a menstrual period for twelve consecutive months so this can occur at various ages. 

However, for many women, the months or years leading into menopause (known as perimenopause), can mark the onset of challenging symptoms including irregular menstrual cycles, flushing sensations, irritability and night sweats.
